Will history repeat itself? I thought war and pandemics would not happen in my lifetime. And yet, here we are, with both at the same time. World War II broke out in September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. At the time, perhaps the majority of the Japanese people felt it was a foreign affair. However, a few years later, the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I cannot think that the invasion of Ukraine is anything to do with us. The international society has not saved Hong Kong, Uyghur, and Myanmar. I don't think it will be able to save Ukraine this time. Putin must have prepared well for economic sanctions. I am afraid that economic sanctions will only exhaust the people, as in North Korea. The United Nations founded to prevent another war is not working. World War II concluded with military force. Is military force the only solution? I don't want to think so. If China were to act as a mediator and Russia agreed to a ceasefire, China's influence would increase even more. And I guess that is what China and Russia would desire. There are billions of people living on the planet, and no one can find a definitive solution to avoid war. Is speaking against war and watching the only thing we citizens can do?